I mostly help people with chronic issues these days but following years of relatively calm health, I came to homeopathy after my son was born. Suddenly the lack of sleep, want of concentration and some daring food choices on both our parts meant there was more to be fixed and I no longer had the luxury of a good day in bed to sort things out.
A homeopath who came to talk at my antenatal group showed us a first aid kit and it turned out to be the best thing I ever bought. Nothing ever goes wrong with a child between the hours of 9 and 5.30 and having to hand a selection of the most useful remedies for treating a wide range of common complaints meant while my friends were pacing the floor and phoning doctors, we mostly went back to sleep with a calm happy baby. If you want to know can homeopathy help me today - I run workshops throughout the year where I help people get to know their way round a kit and tell stories which bring the names to life and help people remember what they're for. They come with a handy leaflet which has common complaints with the best choice of remedy next to them in one half and each remedy with its keynotes in the other. If you know a group of people who would be interested in finding out more about how to use homeopathic remedies I would be happy to come along and give you a general introductionl. If you have a kit and sometimes struggle to find the best remedy, you can book an appointment with me. It's one of the options on the bookings section on my website or click on the link here to make a free 15 minute appointment.
I love helping people resolve these acute health issues and am happy to do this for free if you have a kit and for a small fee of £10 to cover remedies and postage if I send send something out to you. You can also contact Helios Homeopathic Pharmacy. I hope there will soon be the option to make a donation to charity. Watch this space....